Kids Karate Program

Starting at ages 4+

Young boy practicing karate punch with a martial arts instructor

We teach our students to be safe by using a common-sense approach to protection.

This means understanding self-defense techniques, self-defense strategy, and conflict resolution techniques. We also teach body language concepts to our students that are designed to give your child a confident appearance that communicates, “I am a nice person”, and, importantly, “I am not a person that can be taken advantage of.”

Karate Girl giving a happy thumbs up

Some of the most important skills we teach are the ATTITUDE SKILLS of the martial arts.

Through our karate program students learn self-control, perseverance, courtesy, respect, and patience. What is powerful about our program is that it doesn’t just teach our students about these skills and values. They experience these important skills in our classroom and they are then taught how to apply these skills and values in their daily lives while away from the school! Academically, socially, and within the home, our students are empowered to perform at higher levels, AND THEY DO!

Young boy in a confident karate stance

Our program also develops fundamental athletic skills such as coordination, flexibility, and body balance.

We develop skills that are required for baseball, soccer, tennis, and golf…but usually aren’t taught very well. They are simply expected. If you have them, you do well. But if you don’t, you’re left behind. But the fact is, those skills are teachable. And when we develop them in our classroom, it sends our students back to the ball fields and back to gym class—not only more capable, but more confident in that environment.

Young boy having fun doing a karate block

And, what makes it all work? What holds all these parts together? THE FACT THAT IT’S SO MUCH FUN!

Our teachers are wonderful people. Ours is a friendship-based system. Kids love the martial arts at Leith Karate Academy, your child will too!

Kid karate students hugging

Our Student Creeds

Training at our school is based on three principles of training known as the Student Creeds. The Student Creeds are goals that all students strive to attain and live by.

Student Creed #1

Remembering that the martial arts begin and end with respect, I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would reduce my mental growth or physical health.

Student Creed #2

I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.

Student Creed #3

I intend to use what I learn in class constructively and defensively, to help myself and my fellow man, and never to be abusive or offensive.