Leith Karate Academy will be hosting a sparring seminar on Saturday, May 6th from 12:15 pm - 1:15 pm. This seminar is free to all students of the Uechiryu Butokukai green belt and above. Students of all ranks and abilities will benefit from attending.
During this seminar we will focus on tactics and methods to land a variety of roundhouse kicks. These methods will cover techniques for both point and contact sparring.
Sparring gear will not be required during this seminar, however if you own gear you are highly encouraged to bring it.
Registration will be limited to allow adequate space for participants to train, so please register in advance. Participants are also invited to attend our 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Adult/Teen Advanced Class.
Bill Leith
Leith Karate Academy
leithkarate.com | 603-460-5300